Professional recognition

Showcase quality skills with NZOQ certification

Your professional knowledge, skills, and experience add significant value to your organisation. Demonstrate and validate your professional competence with NZOQ certification.
Recognise your skills with certification
NZOQ's professional recognition programme enables members to gain independent recognition of their professional standing through inclusion on the Register of Certified Quality Professionals. Since NZOQ launched the Register in 1999, it has become the premier place for New Zealand's quality professionals to demonstrate and validate their capability.

The Register of Certified Quality Professionals provides a mechanism for registering suitably experienced and qualified persons as having met the requirements for various levels of professional recognition within the field of quality management.

The benefit of NZOQ certification is the satisfaction of knowing your skills are being acknowledged through independent recognition. This objective attestation will add significant value to your professional standing in the quality community, and can lead to enhanced credibility and greater employability.

Register of Quality Professionals

Grades of recognition

The Register of Certified Quality Professionals provides recognition for three grades of professionalism in quality practice.
Certified Quality Internal Auditor
Certified Quality Practitioner
Certified Quality Manager

Register of Certified Quality Professionals

Recognised registered professionals receive: a certificate attesting their professional knowledge and skills; inclusion on the NZOQ Register of Certified Quality Professionals; and the right to use the title on business cards, email signatures, and stationery.

Certification requirements

In order to apply for NZOQ certification, you must be a member of NZOQ and have the professional knowledge and work experience as outlined in the Criteria for Registration of Certified Quality Professionals. If you have the Certificate or Diploma in Quality Assurance you may also be eligible for certification.
Certified Quality Practitioner
In order to become a Certified Quality Practitioner, you must:
  • be a member of New Zealand Organisation for Quality
  • have professional knowledge (Certificate or Diploma in Quality Assurance, or equivalent)
  • have professional work experience (at least three years work experience in a quality-related role)
Certified Quality Manager
In order to become a Certified Quality Manager, you must:
  • be a member of New Zealand Organisation for Quality
  • have professional knowledge (Certificate or Diploma in Quality Assurance, or equivalent)
  • have professional work experience (at least five years work experience in a quality-related role with at least two of these years in a management role)
Adoption of the Code of Ethics
All applicants are required to maintain and advance the standing of the quality management profession by signing and practising the Code of Ethics.
Inclusion on a public register
All applicants are required to give permission for their name to be entered on to a register of quality professionals. Applicants give permission to NZOQ to provide their name and the qualification for which they are registered to any enquirer.
Renewal of certification
Certification must be renewed every two years and requires ongoing financial membership of NZOQ and proof of ongoing professional development.
Ongoing professional development
For renewal, there is a minimum requirement of 32 hours of attendance at approved courses, seminars or conferences, or the equivalent time in completed correspondence courses.

Code of Ethics

All applicants are required to maintain and advance the standing of the quality management profession by signing and practising the Code of Ethics.
Whilst every effort is made to ensure that the process for evaluating candidates for certification is effective, NZOQ does not accept liability for the conduct of persons certified under the scheme.
  1. To act professionally, accurately, and in an unbiased manner.
  2. To strive to increase the competence and prestige of quality management.
  3. To assist those in my employ or under my supervision in developing their management, professional, and quality management skills.
  4. Not to represent conflicting or competing interests and to disclose to any client or employer any relationships that may influence my judgement or the exercise of my professional duties.
  5. Not to discuss or disclose any information relating to an employer, past employer, or client unless required by law or authorised in writing by the affected party.
  6. Not to accept any inducement, commission, gift, or other benefit from any individual or organisation, in return for making decisions or judgements that may be of advantage to the individual or organisation.
  7. Not to intentionally communicate false or misleading information.
  8. Not to act in any way that would prejudice the reputation of NZOQ, the Register of Certified Quality Professionals, or the quality profession; and to cooperate fully with an enquiry in the event of any alleged breach of this code.

Application documents

Download the criteria and application documents for NZOQ certification.
Registration criteria
Criteria for Registration of Certified Quality Professionals.
Application form
Printable version of the application form for NZOQ certification.