Terms & Conditions of Use

Website format

The current format of the New Zealand Organisation for Quality (NZOQ) website, which can be accessed at www.nzoq.org.nz or www.quality.org.nz, has been designed to cater to users across various screen sizes—ensuring a seamless browsing experience on both mobile and desktop devices.

This website has undergone thorough testing and optimisation to ensure compatibility with the latest versions of major web browsers, including:

  • Google Chrome
  • Apple Safari
  • Mozilla Firefox
  • Microsoft Edge

We have made every effort to ensure that the website appears as intended across these browsers. However, if you encounter any visual anomalies while viewing the website, it is possible that you are using an outdated or non-compliant browser. To fully enjoy the optimal browsing experience, we recommend updating your browser to the latest version available.

Secure browsing

This website places a strong emphasis on visitor security and utilises a robust SSL connection. For the utmost safety in your online interactions and data integrity, we recommend accessing the site exclusively through this secure protocol.

To verify the SSL connection in your browser, simply look for the padlock icon in the address bar—ensuring a secure and encrypted browsing experience.

Last updated 29 February 2024
Copyright Notice

All material published on this website is protected so far as is allowed by the provisions of the Copyright Act 1994 ("the Act"). Apart from any use permitted by the Act, New Zealand Organisation for Quality (NZOQ) grants users of this website a licence (within the meaning of the Act) to download, print, share, or otherwise reproduce the information for non-commercial purposes only. If it is indicated on a web page that specific information may be used for commercial purposes, users are licensed to the extent so expressed and subject to the condition that the copyright owner's name and interest in the information be acknowledged when the information is reproduced or quoted, either in whole or in part.

Terms & Conditions of Use

NZOQ authorises you to view and download the materials at this web site provided that you retain all copyright and other propriety notices contained in the original materials and that you give due acknowledgement of this site as the source of the materials. Any use of these materials on any other web site or networked computer environment is prohibited. The materials on this site are copyrighted. If you breach any of these terms your authorisation to use the site automatically terminates and you must immediately destroy any downloaded or printed materials.

NZOQ may, but is not obligated to monitor, review or participate in any areas on the site where users transmit, post communications or communicate solely with each other. NZOQ accepts no liability what so ever related to the content of any such communications.

Links to other websites

Links to third party websites on this site are provided solely as a convenience to you. NZOQ has not reviewed these third party sites and is not responsible for any of these sites or their content. NZOQ does not endorse or make any representation about them or the products, services and information found there. If you decide to access any of the third party sites linked to this site you do so entirely at your on risk.

Disclaimer and Limitations of Liability

While NZOQ makes every effort to ensure the information and services, including fees and training information, provided at this site are accurate and fit for use. NZOQ accepts no responsibility for any damages or loss resulting form the use of information or materials obtained from this site. NZOQ does not guarantee that the information and materials and service offered at this site are currently accurate or available. NZOQ reserves the right to make changes to services and prices without updating the information on this site.

Applicable laws

This site is administered by NZOQ from its National Office in Palmerston North New Zealand. NZOQ makes no representation that materials at this site are available or appropriate for use outside New Zealand and to access them from territories where the contents are illegal is prohibited. You may not use or export the materials at this site in violation of any applicable laws or regulations including the laws of New Zealand. If you choose to access this site from outside New Zealand you do so on your own initiative and are responsible for compliance with applicable local laws. These terms and conditions will be governed by and in accordance with the laws of New Zealand.

Revision of Terms & Conditions

NZOQ may revise these Terms & Conditions at any time by updating this posting. You need to visit this page each time you use this site to review the then current terms and conditions because they are binding. Certain provisions of these terms and conditions may be superseded by expressly designated notices or term located on particular pages of this site.