Special presentation

12 Days to Deming

NZOQ is delighted to introduce and offer you this active-learning course. This material is ideal for both interested newcomers and for those who already have some background knowledge of what Dr. Deming taught. This free course has been generously provided by Dr. Henry Neave.
Dr. W. Edwards Deming (1900–1993) revolutionised the meaning of quality and business improvement. He is renowned for his work in Japan in the 1950s and in the West from the early 1980s. His work was ahead of his time and his principles are at least as valid for today's business world as they were during his lifetime.

Dr. Henry Neave created 12 Days to Deming to take you on a journey to deeply understand what Dr. Deming taught and to thus achieve a paradigm shift in thinking—enabling you to understand how genuine organisational improvement can be achieved.

Henry (pictured right with Dr. Deming) was the W. Edwards Deming Professor of Leadership & Management in the Business School of Nottingham Trent University in the United Kingdom. In 2001, he received the American Society for Quality's Deming Medal, he is an Honorary Fellow of the Chartered Quality Institute, and is the author of The Deming Dimension. He had the privilege of working alongside Dr. Deming at many of his four-day seminars, as well as conducting many of his own in various parts of the world. Henry is a natural educator and his talent is apparent in this course.

Learning outcomes

Who should study 12 Days to Deming?
  • Newcomers and all who want to learn more about Dr. Deming's philosophy and guidance
  • Anyone who wants to improve—whether it be an organisation or themselves
  • All those who have attempted improvement activities but not got the results expected
What are the learning outcomes?
  • An understanding of Dr. Deming's guidance and how to apply it to your organisation to achieve improvement for customers, suppliers, and employees
  • A paradigm shift in thinking that enables improvement and a more robust and resilient organisation driven by a win-win mindset
  • A deep understanding of how to achieve organisational excellence
  • A plan to transform your organisation and yourself

Join the study group

The Geelong Quality Council regularly hosts a free 12 Days to Deming study group, with weekly one-hour online group sessions led by Richard Hamilton. Participants can review, discuss, and share their insights about the material from each day in weekly sessions. Dr. Jackie Graham, who worked closely with Dr. Deming, will mentor the study group throughout.

For availability and registration, visit the Geelong Quality Council website.

Course endorsements

This course builds knowledge and understanding, enabling the participant to make real change and to achieve improved outcomes.
Dr. Jackie Graham
Finally—a sorely-needed authoritative, definitive, robust summary of W. Edwards Deming's philosophy that will stand the test of time.
Davis Balestracci
United States
This was a fantastic course. I couldn't believe how well the whole thing was presented, and it made learning relatively easy. There are plenty of hands-on activities, and some surprising outcomes which challenged some things I thought I understood. The course challenges us to really think, rather than skimming through material and ticking a box, and the reward is a real appreciation of the content, an understanding of Deming's teachings, and an insight into putting them into practice.
Richard Hamilton
I have found that 12 Days to Deming has provided me with not only an effective but also an efficient route to deeper understanding and useful knowledge about Dr. Deming's theories. It accelerates such understanding because it is derived from the direct experience of Professor Henry Neave who can be justifiably termed a Subject-Matter Expert. My work is focused on getting safer work through introducing people to the concept of better work. This is achievable through understanding better the effectiveness of taking an approach to management that is informed by the wisdom of Dr. Deming. 12 Days facilitates this superbly.
Charles Tortise
New Zealand

Interested in 12 Days to Deming?

A quick look
Henry strongly recommends that you take a quick look at this eight-page introductory Welcome Booklet. This not only introduces the course itself, it also briefly summarises Dr. Deming's life and work—especially useful for the newcomer.
Welcome Booklet
The Welcome Booklet is suitable for downloading and, if you wish, printing (ideally back-to-back).
Download PDF  
The course material
There is a separate PDF file for each part of the course provided in the 'Course content' section below. You can view and download these individually at your leisure, or alternatively, you can download a ZIP archive which contains all of the course material.
Please start here
It is important to start (appropriately enough!) with the file 'Please start here' as this contains a lot of information and guidance about how to approach and study the course material.
Download PDF  
One further item
12 Days New Decade Update
Sooner or later you might like to take a break from the course material and read Henry's '12 Days New Decade Update'. This was originally distributed on 3 January 2020 to the many people who had been following, and often helping with, the development of 12 Days to Deming over the several years before the course was officially launched.
Download PDF  

Course content

Part   Download
Part A Please start here Download PDF  
Part B1 Workbook for Days 1 to 3 Download PDF  
Part B2 Workbook for Days 4 to 6 Download PDF  
Part B3 Workbook for Days 7 to 9 Download PDF  
Part B4 Workbook for Days 10 to 12 and Optional Extras Download PDF  
Part C Front cover sheets for binders Download PDF  
Part D Day 1: The Overture and the Deming Story Download PDF  
Part E Day 2: The Experiment on Red Beads Download PDF  
Part F Day 3: Understanding Variation & the Funnel Experiment Download PDF  
Part G Day 4: The Joiner Triangle and the 14 Points (Part 1) Download PDF  
Part H Day 5: The Joiner Triangle, the 14 Points (Part 2), and the Deadly Diseases Download PDF  
Part I Day 6: Gallery Furniture and Other True Stories Download PDF  
Part J Day 7: The Obstacles: Targets, Appraisals, Quotas, etc. Download PDF  
Part K Day 8: A New Climate Download PDF  
Part L Day 9: A System of… Profound Knowledge Download PDF  
Part M Day 10: A System of Profound Knowledge (Parts A and B) Download PDF  
Part N Day 11: A System of Profound Knowledge (Parts C and D) Download PDF  
Part O Day 12: Bringing It All Together—and Making It Happen Download PDF  
Part P Appendix Download PDF  
Part Q Contributions from Balaji Reddie Download PDF  
Part R References and Sources Download PDF  
Part S Optional Extras Download PDF  
All Parts Combined ZIP archive containing all of the course content Download ZIP  
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12 Days to Deming 12 Days to Deming
This internationally acclaimed self-learning course is free to study. It brings the teachings of Dr. Deming to life and will challenge your understanding of business improvement.
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Quality Management: Practical Skills Quality Management: Practical Skills
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Quality in Healthcare: Practical Skills Quality in Healthcare: Practical Skills
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